About me

I'm a highly-experienced team manager and software developer specializing in web and mobile applications. With over 10 years of experience, I have enjoyed building intuitive well-tested products for consumers and businesses in a variety of industries.

Outside of development I enjoy spending time with my family, playing the travel points game, and the occasional trashy TV.


React NativeRuby on RailsElixirPhoenix FrameworkVueJS / VuexReact / ReduxTypescript / Node.jsd3Slack APIStripe APIAWSGoogle CloudFirebasePostgreSQLRedisDocker / dokku

Owner, Ten October LLC

2011 — Present

I founded Ten October to provide software development services for web and mobile applications. Notable projects are outlined here.

Mad Mimi

2012 — 2014

Full-stack development primarily utilizing Ruby on Rails and PrototypeJS. I was initially responsible for creating Mad Mimi's Etsy product integration and later led projects to improve analytics and implement purchase/ checkout features. I voluntarily left Mad Mimi after it was purchased by GoDaddy.

Dead-end Corporate Job

2008 — 2012

TPS reports, mostly.


Brigham Young University

2008: B.S. Information Systems Management

Go Cougars

© 2023 Jeff Browning & Ten October LLC